Engineer Grade Type 1 Reflective Prestriped Barricade Tape

Our Engineer Grade Prestriped Barricade Tape is an economical and effective way to mark the end of a road, dead ends, hazardous areas and even vehicles.  It is a vivid tape and is clearly visible at night because of its reflective properties.  The tape is retro reflective meaning it concentrates light and returns it back to the source which in most cases are car headlights. Our engineer grade prestriped tape exceeds ASTM D-4956 Type 1 standards.

This tape is available in either a left slant (L6) or a right slant (R6).  The slant generally directs traffic either to the left or right. 

We have a separate article that goes over the MUTCD regulations governing barricade tape.  The article also shows you when to use a left slant and when to use a right slant.  Click here to view our article on barricade tape regulations.

  The image below shows each.

As you can see, the slant starts at the bottom and goes either right or left.  Also, the tapes are available in either a white/orange or a white/red.  The 6 in L6 or R6 means that the stripes are 6″ wide.  The stripes are placed at a 45 degree angle. 

Because of its unique look and design, reflective barricade tape is also used to mark items like dumpsters, containers, bollards, fences, gate arms, loading docks, heavy equipment, cranes and more.

This product can be purchased online at the following sites.  Reflective Tape Dealer or  Both sites are owned and operated by Reflective Inc.  We have been in the reflective tape business since 1998.

High Intensity Type 3 Pre-Striped Reflective Barricade Hazard Tape

Our High Intensity Grade Type 3 Prestriped Barricade Tape is an economical and effective way to mark the end of a road, dead ends, hazardous areas and even the back, front and sides of vehicles.  It is a type 3 glass bead tape and is approximately 3 times brighter than our engineer grade tape.  This allows the tape to be seen from farther way.  In areas where cars approach the tape faster or where there is some competitive lighting the high intensity tape would be seen before an engineer grade would be.  Like all of our reflective tapes this tape is retro reflective meaning it concentrates light and returns it back to the source which in most cases are a cars headlights.

This tape is available in a left slant (L6) or a right slant (R6).   In general, the slant directs traffic either to the left or right. 

We have a separate article that goes over the MUTCD regulations governing barricade tape.  The article also shows you when to use a left slant and when to use a right slant.  Click here to view our article on barricade tape regulations.

The image below shows each.

As you can see, the slant of the stripes starts at the bottom and goes either right or left.  Also, the barricade tapes are available in either a white/orange or a white/red.  The 6 in the designation L6 or R6 means that the stripes are 6″ wide when measured on the diagonal.  The stripes are placed at a 45 degree angle. 

Because of its extra bright reflectivity and unique attention getting look, high intensity barricade tape is used in a variety of other applications.  Items like construction equipment, cranes, concrete barriers, loading docks, earth moving equipment and more are often marked with this tape.

This product can be purchased online at the following sites. or  Both sites are owned and operated by Reflective Inc.  We have been in business since 1998.

High Intensity “Prismatic” Type 4 Pre-Striped Reflective Barricade Tape

Our High Intensity Prismatic Type 4 Prestriped Barricade Tape is a brighter and more effective way to mark the end of a road, dead ends, hazardous areas and even vehicles.  It is an air backed prismatic design which creates a more vivid tape than comparable glass bead products. This makes the tape more clearly visible at night and in the daytime.  The tape is retro reflective meaning it concentrates light and returns it back to the source which in most cases are car headlights. Our Type 4 High Intensity Prismatic grade prestriped tape exceeds ASTM D-4956 Type 4 standards.

As a comparison, Engineer Grade Type 1 reflects at about 80 candelas (white), High Intensity Type 3 reflects at 250 candelas (white) and Type 4 High Intensity Prismatic reflects at 360 candelas (white). The brighter the tape, the farther away it can be seen at night. Type 4 Prismatic tape is also more vivid and therefore more visible in the daytime as well.

This tape is available in either a left slant (L6) or a right slant (R6).  The slant generally directs traffic either to the left or right. 

We have a separate article that goes over the MUTCD regulations governing barricade tape.  The article also shows you when to use a left slant and when to use a right slant.  Click here to view our article on barricade tape regulations.

  The image below shows each.

As you can see, the slant starts at the bottom and goes either right or left.  Also, the tapes are available in either a white/orange or a white/red.  The 6 in L6 or R6 means that the stripes are 6″ wide.  The stripes are placed at a 45 degree angle. 

Because of its unique look and design, reflective barricade tape is also used to mark items like dumpsters, containers, bollards, fences, gate arms, loading docks, heavy equipment, cranes and more.

This product can be purchased online at the following sites.  Reflective Tape Dealer or  Both sites are owned and operated by Reflective Inc.  We have been in the reflective tape business since 1998.

Type 1, 2 and 3 Barricades – What type,color and what slant to use. Left or Right ? MUTCD

 Horizontal Type Barricades

Our Summary

The MUTCD regulation below regulates the type of barricade, colors and slant.  In summary, work zone colors are orange and white.  When a road terminates the colors are to be red and white.  The slant of the material designates which way traffic is to go.  A slant downward and to the left means traffic goes to the left.  A slant downward and to the right means traffic should go to the right.  Reflective material is called L6 or left slant if it slants upward to the left and R6 or right slant if it slants upward to the right.  Note that an L6 material directs traffic to the right and a R6 material directs traffic to the left.  (It is simply the opposite.)  A type 1 barricade has one horizontal bar, a type 2 has 2 and a type 3 has 3.

End of our Summary

Section 6F.68 Type 1, 2, or 3 Barricades

01 A barricade is a portable or fixed device having from one to three rails with appropriate markings and is used to control road users by closing, restricting, or delineating all or a portion of the right-of-way.
02 As shown in Figure 6F-7, barricades are classified as Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3.

03 Stripes on barricade rails shall be alternating orange and white retroreflective stripes sloping downward at an angle of 45 degrees in the direction road users are to pass. Except as provided in Paragraph 4, the stripes shall be 6 inches wide.

December 2009 Sect. 6F.65 to 6F.68
Page 608 2009 Edition

04 When rail lengths are less than 36 inches, 4-inch wide stripes may be used.
05 The minimum length for Type 1 and Type 2 Barricades shall be 24 inches, and the minimum length for Type 3 Barricades shall be 48 inches. Each barricade rail shall be 8 to 12 inches wide. Barricades used on freeways, expressways, and other high-speed roadways shall have a minimum of 270 square inches of retroreflective area facing road users.

06 Where barricades extend entirely across a roadway, the stripes should slope downward in the direction toward which road users must turn.
07 Where both right and left turns are provided, the barricade stripes should slope downward in both directions from the center of the barricade or barricades.
08 Where no turns are intended, the stripes should be positioned to slope downward toward the center of the barricade or barricades.
09 Barricade rails should be supported in a manner that will allow them to be seen by the road user, and in a manner that provides a stable support that is not easily blown over or displaced.
10 The width of the existing pedestrian facility should be provided for the temporary facility if practical. Traffic control devices and other construction materials and features should not intrude into the usable width of the sidewalk, temporary pathway, or other pedestrian facility. When it is not possible to maintain a minimum width of 60 inches throughout the entire length of the pedestrian pathway, a 60 x 60-inch passing space should be provided at least every 200 feet to allow individuals in wheelchairs to pass.
11 Barricade rail supports should not project into pedestrian circulation routes more than 4 inches from the support between 27 and 80 inches from the surface as described in Section 4.4.1 of the “Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG)” (see Section 1A.11).

12 For Type 1 Barricades, the support may include other unstriped horizontal rails necessary to provide stability.

13 On high-speed expressways or in other situations where barricades may be susceptible to overturning in the wind, ballasting should be used.

14 Sandbags may be placed on the lower parts of the frame or the stays of barricades to provide the required ballast.

15 Type 1 or Type 2 Barricades are intended for use in situations where road user flow is maintained through the TTC zone.

16 Barricades may be used alone or in groups to mark a specific condition or they may be used in a series for channelizing road users.
17 Type 1 Barricades may be used on conventional roads or urban streets.

18 Type 2 or Type 3 Barricades should be used on freeways and expressways or other high-speed roadways.
Type 3 Barricades should be used to close or partially close a road.

19 Type 3 Barricades used at a road closure may be placed completely across a roadway or from curb to curb.

20 Where provision is made for access of authorized equipment and vehicles, the responsibility for Type 3 Barricades should be assigned to a person who will provide proper closure at the end of each work day.

21 When a highway is legally closed but access must still be allowed for local road users, barricades usually are not extended completely across the roadway.

Sect. 6F.68 December 2009
2009 Edition Page 609

22 A sign shall be installed with the appropriate legend concerning permissible use by local road users (see Section 6F.09). Adequate visibility of the barricades from both directions shall be provided.

23 Signs may be installed on barricades (see Section 6F.03).
Section 6F.69 Direction Indicator Barricades

01 The Direction Indicator Barricade (see Figure 6F-7) shall consist of a One-Direction Large Arrow (W1-6) sign mounted above a diagonal striped, horizontally aligned, retroreflective rail.
02 The One-Direction Large Arrow (W1-6) sign shall be black on an orange background. The stripes on the bottom rail shall be alternating orange and white retroreflective stripes sloping downward at an angle of 45 degrees in the direction road users are to pass. The stripes shall be 4 inches wide. The One-Direction Large Arrow (W1-6) sign shall be 24 x 12 inches. The bottom rail shall have a length of 24 inches and a height of 8 inches.

03 The Direction Indicator Barricade may be used in tapers, transitions, and other areas where specific directional guidance to drivers is necessary.

04 If used, Direction Indicator Barricades should be used in series to direct the driver through the transition and into the intended travel lane.

Section 2B.67 Barricades
01 Barricades may be used to mark any of the following conditions:
A. A roadway ends, B. A ramp or lane closed for operational purposes, or
C. The permanent or semi-permanent closure or termination of a roadway.
02 When used to warn and alert road users of the terminus of a roadway in other than temporary traffic control zones, barricades shall meet the design criteria of Section 6F.68 for a Type 3 Barricade, except that the colors of the stripes shall be retroreflective white and retroreflective red.
03 An end-of-roadway marker or markers may be used as described in Section 2C.66.
04 Appropriate advance warning signs (see Chapter 2C) should be used.

Nikkalite Pre-Striped Barricade Tape – Type 1 & 3

Pre-striped Barricade

Nikkalite® Pre-Striped Barricade for Type I, II and III Sheeting

Our Nikkalite® Pre-Striped Barricade (PSB) sheeting has alternating 6” stripes running diagonally at an angle of 45° and comes in orange/white or red/white rolls. The day and night (retroreflective) colors of the orange and red stripes are almost identical, resulting in a sharp contrast between the white stripes and the colored stripes, giving optimum target value. The material is coated with an aggressive, high-tack pressure sensitive adhesive that will bond well to most substrates used in the construction zone signing. The red and orange stripes are printed under the top film layer so the sheeting is scratch resistant.

Orange and white are for work zone applications.  (slow down and proceed with caution)

Red and white are for end of road type applications. (stop and go left or right or turn around)

Type 1 Reflectivity – White = 108 candelas, Red = 21 candelas, Orange = 54 candelas. (7 year outdoor rating)

Type 3 Reflectivity – White = 250 candelas, Red = 45 candelas, Orange = 100 candelas. (10 year outdoor rating)

Available Grades:

– Type I
Engineering Grade (8110 Series)
– Type III
Ultralite Grade (510 Series)


Orange/White or Red/White
Stripe Widths:
Roll Lengths:
Roll Widths:
2”, 4”, 6″ , 8”, or 12”
(Roll widths and lengths other than shown above are available by special request)


High Visibility Reflective Markings for Utility Commercial Delivery & Fleet Trucks / Vehicles

Commercial, Delivery, Work, Utility and Emergency Vehicles and trucks make up a large percentage of traffic on highways around the world.  These vehicles are normally larger than the standard passenger car.  In the event of a collision the smaller vehicle normally incurs the greatest damage and injury.  Commercial drivers are trained to watch out for smaller vehicles and most have CDL or commercial drivers licenses.  Passenger vehicle drivers generally hold only a standard drivers license and are not commercially trained.  Because of this, commercial vehicles and drivers are subject to a higher level of responsibility and liability in traffic.  Commercial vehicles are generally owned by larger companies who again are subject to higher levels of responsibility when it comes to safety.

Commercial Vehicles that make frequent stops in traffic are at high risk for rear end collisions.  The cost of an accident to a commercial business or government entity can be substantial sometimes reaching into the tens of thousands of dollars or more in cases of personal injury.  By clearly marking the rear of these vehicles with high visibility reflective tape, accidents can be reduced substantially.

In Europe, standards have already been increased in an effort to reduce rear end collisions.  The following is an example of that regulation.

Any works vehicles that are used to protect the workforce should be of conspicuous colour and carry appropriate marking.
On high-speed roads, all vehicles stopping on the highway for works purposes should carry high visibility rear markings, including chevrons comprising alternate strips of fluorescent orange-red retroreflective material and fluorescent yellow non-retroreflective material.
The markings should cover as much of the rear-facing portion of the vehicle as possible without obscuring windows, vehicle lighting or registration plates.
Red retroreflective tape should also be applied to all rear facing edges of open doors, guardrails and equipment lockers.

By increasing the visibility of commercial vehicles, approaching drivers have a much better chance of seeing the vehicle and determining whether it is moving with traffic or stopped.  If it is stopped, they can take the necessary precautions to avoid a collision.

Chevron Striping is the preferred method of marking commercial vehicles.  This pattern is consistent with the pattern used in work zones to get the attention of drivers.  The downward slanting stripes that alternate in color have been shown in tests to grab the attention of approaching drivers more than standard markings such as alternating dot tape.  Bright colors and high contrast are necessary to get an approaching drivers attention.  The most popular combination is fluorescent lime yellow and red followed by fluorescent lime yellow and orange.  Studies in the US, Canada and Europe have shown that fluorescent colors such as fluorescent lime and fluorescent orange are much more visible and recognizable in the daytime.  This is because fluorescent colors reflect ultraviolet light back in a way that standard colors do not.  They are also bright and easily seen at night.  School zones and work zones use these colors for this very reason.  Quick recognition is crucial when entering these areas.

We have a variety of chevron panels and alternating color panels available at .   We carry fluorescent lime which we normally use for the background.  We also carry white for background.  For the offsetting color we use red and orange.  Red is the most popular color on the lime with orange being second. 

We also have rolls of reflective chevron material that can be used to create chevron designs on vehicles.  This is a less expensive and very effective alternative to the premade panels.  The pictures below show the colors that we have for the rolls.

Free Sample Pack – Reflective Dots, Octagons, Diamonds, Overlay for Diamond Treadplate

Free Sample Pack of Reflexite V98 Reflective Dots, Circles, Octagons, Overlay and Chevron Strips. – (available at

To create striped reflective patterns on diamond treadplate you can use our dots, circles, rounded squares, octagons, overlay panels or chevron strips.  Application is very simple.  Before you undertake the task of making your diamond plate reflective we suggest you let us mail you a sample which will contain the little dots, rounded squares, octagons, overlay panels and our newest product, chevron strips.  This way you can make sure everything is going to fit properly before ordering.  To obtain a sample  email your name and address to and ask for a V98 diamond plate sample pack. Or feel free to call us at 850-934-3157.  Our reflective shapes can be ordered at .

accident scene safety reflective dots

The “Chevron Strips” at the bottom of the picture above, come in four styles, A, B, C & D.  This is to accommodate different types of diamond plate with minor spacing differences.  All are included and marked in our sample pack.

The V98 Reflexite material that we use for our reflective shapes is a highly reflective and very tough prismatic sheeting.  It is the most advanced reflective sheeting on the market.  V98 reflective material is conformable, re-positionable and clean removable.  It is a single layer film and therefore does not need to be edge sealed.  Other brands are made in layers and begin to delaminate over time.  Reflexite V98 reflective sheeting will not.  It is for this reason that we recommend this type of film over other brands.

Reflective Chevron Panels Decals Striping for Motorcycles Hard Saddlebags

We have had several fire fighters request pre-striped chevron panels for striping the backs of their motorcycles.  Mainly on the hard saddlebags.  We have created 6″ wide x 12″ tall panels using Reflexite V98 Prismatic Fluorescent Lime Yellow sheeting and red transparent overlay.  The material is extremely bright and is the same sheeting used on fire apparatus to create the chevron panels.  It far exceeds NFPA requirements for reflectivity.  The panels can be trimmed before applying or after.  If you need a larger panel we can custom design one for you.  The pictures above and below show the panels as they come from us and also applied to saddlebags. 

To apply simply peel the backing off, apply and then trim.  Or you can trim first then peel the backing off and apply.  For more information or to order the chevron panels CLICK HERE. The 6 x 12 inch panels run $40 for a set plus shipping.  You would receive two panels like in the picture below.  One for the left and one for the right.


Chevron Striping Panels – Red and Yellow Reflective to meet the NFPA 1901 Requirements

In 2009, the NFPA or National Fire Protection Association issued new recommendations pertaining to the marking of fire trucks (apparatus) and emergency vehicles.  The most significant change is the addition of rear chevron markings.

Click to see our Reflective Pre-Made Chevron Panels

In summary, the NFPA 1901 guideline says that a fire truck or fire apparatus should have a reflective chevron pattern applied to at least 50% of the rear of the vehicle.  The stripes need to be Red and Yellow in a type 1 or better reflective material.  The width of the stripes should be 6″ wide.  They should slant down and outward at a 45 degree angle.

For pickup trucks and SUV’s a rectangular chevron panel is often all that is needed to fulfill this recommendation.  We carry premade Reflective Chevron Panels that are easy to apply and far exceed NFPA requirements.  The panels are based on a Reflexite V97 or V98 Fluorescent Lime Yellow material.  A transparent overlay is applied to create the red stripes.  The panels are self adhesive with a peel off wax paper backing.  If necessary, the panels are easy to trim so that they go around obstacles like latches and emblems.  A pair of scissors or an exacto is all you need. 

12″ x 6′ panels run $125 each and 16″ x 6′ panels run $150 each. The panels can be ordered by going to or calling 850-934-3157.

Reflexite V92 C3 and C4 3″ 4″ Reflective DOT Conspicuity Tape for Trucks

In the late 60’s, Reflexite Corporation invented the first prismatic reflective film.  This technology has become the standard for all bright reflective tapes. One of the most common prismatic tapes is called DOT tape.  This tape is required to be on tractor trailers with a GVWR of over 10,000 pounds.  The minimum acceptable width for trucks is 2″ thus the designation DOT-C2. 

Many people do not know that the DOT also recognizes C3 and C4 tape under the same regulation.  The 3″ and 4″ C3 and C4 tapes are excellent for applications where more visibility is needed.  For example, a large mining truck would dwarf a 2″ tape.  Therefore it would be reasonable to use a 3″ or 4″ tape on this type of large vehicle.  In addition, large containers that really need to be seen can benefit from the 50% or 100% extra visibility provided by the wider tapes.

We carry the wider DOT tapes for these types of applications. We carry both 30 and 150 foot rolls.  We have these on two of our online stores.  One is and the other is .  Both sites are owned and operated by our company Reflective Inc.  We have been in the reflective tape business since 1998.